
my goals as an art instructor 

I hope that my students will: 

  1. Enjoy art as a means of creating and expressing themselves effectively.

  2. Explore processes that may be more valuable than the outcome of the final product.  

  3. Become creative problem solvers.  Creativity often stems from having to fix a major catastrophe in a work and finding unique solutions leading to a different, but more exciting outcome.

  4. Learn to complete projects in a professional manner to the best of their ability.

  5. Realize that there are no wrongs or rights in art, although there may be better methods or techniques to help them “tell their story.”

  6. Learn the basic concepts of what makes a good work of art, while knowing that those rules can be broken.   

  7. Learn to evaluate and critique their work and the work of others in an objective manner.

  8. Learn and utilize correct terminology when discussing a work of art.

  9. Feel free to explore unusual combinations of techniques, principles and materials and to delve into uncharted territory fearlessly. 

  10. Understand that another artist’s technique can be duplicated, but it is unethical to use another artist’s concept.

  11. Think of art as a wonderful means of expressing the human mind and spirit.